European Athletics Indoor Championships Apeldoorn 2025

European Athletics Indoor Championships Apeldoorn 2025

Datum Evenement: 6-3-2025 - 9-3-2025 Exporteer Evenement naar Outlook

European Athletics Indoor Championships Apeldoorn 2025


The European Athletics Indoor Championships are coming to the Netherlands again! From 6 to 9 March 2025, Europe's top athletes will compete for indoor titles at Omnisport in Apeldoorn. This athletics spectacle will take place in Omnisport, Apeldoorn. In athletics, we have three basic disciplines: running, jumping and throwing. During the European Championships Indoor Athletics, you will never be bored because there is always something going on. The sprint events take place in the central area, the middle-distance events on the circular track and the jumping and throwing events also in the central area. From 6 to 9 March 2025, Omnisport will be a feast for your eyes. 

What will you receive from us?

Volunteers make the event! Because EventMakers are very important to us, we guarantee that you will be well looked after. We do this in the following ways:

  • You will meet lots of new people and get a unique behind-the-scenes look at a fantastic event;
  • You will receive a cool and unique clothing package in the style of the event;
  • You get good food and drinks during the event;
  • We get to know you in a personal way and see how we can best use your talent;
  • We provide an inspiring kick-off meeting for all EventMakers.

What do we ask of you?

  • For the event, we require availability of a minimum of 3 days in the period from 6 to 9 March 2025;
  • EventMakers are at least 16 years old at March 6;
  • EventMakers master at least the Dutch or English language;
  • All EventMakers sign a volunteer agreement;
  • We ask a lot of enthusiasm, commitment, hospitality and passion for the event from all EventMakers;
  • Travel and accommodation expenses are at your own expense.


During the European Indoor Athletics Championships, volunteers are assigned to different functions. The different functions are described below.


In the venue, around the stands, several volunteers are positioned to direct visitors to the right seats or facilities. This is a standing position, which means that during this role you will almost always be standing.


To gain access to the event, visitors must purchase tickets. At the entrance to the event, volunteers are on hand to welcome visitors and scan tickets for visitor entry. This is a standing position, which means that during this role you will almost always be standing.


There is an information point where visitors can go for information about the event. There are two volunteers at this information point who provide visitors with all the information they need about the match programme, accessibility, et cetera. This is a sitting position, which means that you are almost always sitting during this role.


Volunteers within this team will help create and issue accreditation passes to all the different audiences. The accreditation role will also be active in the run-up to the event. Accreditations will be handed out at three different locations, namely: Apeldoorn (Omnisport), Arnhem (Papendal) and at the VIP Hotel. This is a sitting position, which means that you are almost always sitting during this role.


All roles within Visitors Services will be active from 6 to 9 March, with the exception of the Accreditation role. This role is already active from March 4.

Media Center

The Media Centre will be located in a large tent outside Omnisport. Here, 250 workstations will be created for journalists and photographers, among others. As Media Centre volunteers, you will man the reception desk, distribute information, print and hang up start lists/protests. You will also keep an eye on the Photo Upload Area and distribute all kinds of information here as well.

Photo Team

An average of 180 photographers will attend the event. These are divided between so-called infield and outfield. As a volunteer with the Photo Team, you will ensure that the photographers comply with the routings and associated rules.

All roles within Press and Media will be active from 6 to 9 March. Speaking English is a requirement, speaking multiple languages is a plus at Press and Media.

Informationdesk Hotels

During the event, teams as well as VIP's and media will be accommodated in various hotels in the region (both in Apeldoorn and Arnhem). Per hotel, two volunteers are always present as the first point of enquiry for the European Indoor Athletics Championships. In addition, the hotel offers various facilities such as meeting rooms and you manage the reservations for these rooms. You provide guests with all the information: from transport schedules to race schedules's to even the weather forecast for the upcoming days. For this role, we require volunteers who are proficient with a laptop, hospitable and proactive.

Coördinator Hotels

As volunteers are active at the hotel information desk in 10 different locations, we are looking for one or a few volunteers to act as liaison between the volunteers in the hotels and the coordinator of all hotels. This volunteer will collect all questions from the different hotels, compile them and ensure that the answers are shared with all volunteers. In addition, this volunteer will regularly visit the different hotels to see how things are going everywhere.

All roles within Hotels are active from 2 to 10 March. Within the Hotels role, being able to speak English is a requirement. We operate in hotels in the following locations: Apeldoorn - Arnhem - Deventer - Eerbeek - Garderen

Welkomdesk Airport

Many athletes and officials will land at Schiphol Airport, after which they will continue their journey towards Apeldoorn. To guide these athletes and officials in the best possible way, a welcome desk is set up at the airport to receive these people. Here we welcome them to the Netherlands and guide them to the right transport towards Apeldoorn.

The Welcome Desk will only be active during arrival days. This is expected to be 2 to 5 March.


The venue has a transport desk where athletes and officials can request transport. You are the first face for these people, receive the request and check, together with the transport coordinator, whether we can meet the request. In addition, you are in possession of all information regarding transport schedules.

The Transport Desk will only be active during the event, i.e. from 6 to 9 March.


During this event, volunteers are used to work as drivers. These volunteers mainly drive rides between airports, competition venues and hotels. Both athletes and officials are transported.

Drivers will be deployed from March 2 to 10. It is important that you have experience driving in the Netherlands.


Eventmakers Desk

At the EventMakers Desk, you will ensure that all volunteers are welcomed to the Volunteers Home, check in volunteers and provide them with any clothing they may need. You will serve as the first point of enquiry for the volunteers, keep the clothing list up to date and ensure that the Volunteers Home is always tidy.

Allround EventMaker

As an All-round EventMaker, you are a real jack-of-all-trades. You jump in ad hoc at busy places or replace someone who is ill, late or unable to attend. As an All-round EventMaker, you do not know in advance what the day will bring and you can find yourself in any position. If there are impromptu hand-and-span services you can be deployed, or when we are going to provide all the volunteers with coffee/tea/fresh drinks you help out. You may not have something to do the whole shift, this means that you have to take into account that sometimes you have to wait.


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